Welcome to "Otaku-TOW"

Thanks to everyone who visits my blog! I've got some really neat projects to begin for our planned trip to Otakon in Baltimore, Maryland which has be pretty excited as it's my first con! Let me know what everyone is doing in the anime/manga world and you might just get posted! :D Pictures are always A-Okay! Just as long as they're appropriate! :D Let's keep it at a great rating here for otaku of ALL ages! :D


Ok, so far, I'm doing some projects for Otakon! I'm in the process of planning out and making 3--yes THREE-- Lolita Goth Dresses to wear for myself (one for each day) and some Lolita inspired shirts and jackets to wear to certain events (eg:  the masquerades!) Which is VERY exciting and very time consuming. I also have to make my AMAZING boyfriend, Daniel, his costumes... A blue mage from FFVI and possibly a boomer from Left4Dead (sadly, that was my idea...) I'll be posting pics of the processes as well as some other information, especially on how I made the Lolita Dresses as I know many people want to make them and I'd like to make it simple for you all! :D Let me know what you think of everything! :D