Welcome to "Otaku-TOW"

Thanks to everyone who visits my blog! I've got some really neat projects to begin for our planned trip to Otakon in Baltimore, Maryland which has be pretty excited as it's my first con! Let me know what everyone is doing in the anime/manga world and you might just get posted! :D Pictures are always A-Okay! Just as long as they're appropriate! :D Let's keep it at a great rating here for otaku of ALL ages! :D

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 2 of Otaku-TOW

Ok, so I'm trying to figure out a way to put more things on here and make it REALLY interesting! I've never used BlogSpot, only Tripod so it's become a bit challenging! The only thing I can say is that I'm working on this REALLY hard! (I'm actually skipping class to work on this right now... :D...)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Otaku? Do what?

Otaku-- a group of people gathering together for a common cause. In America, it's us anime nut jobs! :D I happen to be a rather large one of them.

I decided to create this blog so that I have a place to write down my ventures through many anime and manga related trials in my life. And believe me, I've got quite a few! :D

To simply put it this way, I want to blog about something that I love: anime, manga, and Japanese pop-culture. And I want to do it in a place that I can easily access and others can easily access! :D So, let's all be otaku together and see what I'm up to when this otaku takes on the world!